Pressing method of massage technique
Using the thumb, palm or elbow ulna olecranon process as the point of force, pressing the body surface treatment site is called pressing method. Clinically, there are finger pressing method, palm pressing method and elbow pressing method, which has the characteristics of high pressure and strong stimulation.
The force of pressing method is more important than that of pressing method. At present, the pressing method is usually limited to elbow pressing method in clinic, which is introduced as follows.
(1) Main points of manipulation: ① the elbow joint of the operator flexes, and the point of force is the elbow tip, which is pressed on the surface of the body for treatment.
② The pressure should be stable and relaxed, and no sudden violence is allowed.
③ Elbow pressure should be tolerated by patients.
(2) Applicable parts: only applicable to the parts with developed and thick waist and buttock muscles.
(3) Efficacy: Shujin Tongluo, spasmolysis and pain relief.
(4) Indications: obstinate arthralgia in the back of the waist and strong pain in the psoas.
(5) For example:
Strong pain of lumbar muscle: elbow pressing method is applied to both sides of lumbar muscle.