Infantile massage is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment based on
the theory of meridians and acupoints. People with a little scientific
consciousness naturally know that the theory of meridians and acupoints
is not worth refuting. Our surgeons have always done surgical incision
on the basis of anatomy, without considering the meridians and
acupoints. We have never heard of any patient whose meridians and
acupoints have been damaged and the recovery is not good.
要是真有穴位和经络,而且通过捏铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件捏按按就能通畅经络疏通气血治好病,那么多毫无医学基础的人照着书在家乱捏一气,就不怕弄出经络不通气血瘀滞吗?
If there are acupoints and meridians, and the meridians can be unblocked
and Qi and blood can be dredged and cured by kneading and pressing,
then many people who have no medical basis will not be afraid to make
the meridians blocked and Qi and blood stasis by kneading and pressing
at home?
For some nerve, muscle and bone problems, such as children's muscular
torticollis and manual traction, these physical therapies may be
improved or cutuijia