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网址:www.tuinabaojian.cn  2023-11-03  作者:admin    阅读:

小儿推拿的好处和功效:1、调整经脉,气血阴阳平衡;2、治疗疾病;3.增强抵抗力,强身健体,预防疾病。小儿推拿有以下作用:一、提高小儿机体的各项机能穴位经络的治疗作用,现代临床医学已经证实,穴位即是经络上的重要要点,通过对穴位的刺激,对经络、气血的阴阳平衡起到调节作用。二、治疗孩子疼痛如果孩子生病了,就在孩子身体的某个部位或穴位上进行推拿,通过经络的联系,使其体内相应的脏腑,产生相应的生理变化,从而达到治锈钢铸件  螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 冲压机  防撞护栏模具疗疾病的作用。三、未病先防小儿推拿可以提高孩子对疾病的抵抗力,强身健体,预防疾病。小儿推拿是以祖国医学的整体理念为基础,以阴阳五行学说、脏腑经络学说为理论指导,运用各种手法对穴位进行刺激,使经络通畅,气血流通,达到调整脏腑功能的功能。小儿推拿在操作方法上,强调轻快柔和,平稳实在,讲究的是补、泻的手法及操作规程。对常见病、多发病均有较好疗效,尤其对消化道疾病有较好疗效。
The benefits and effects of pediatric massage include: 1. regulating meridians and balancing qi, blood, yin, and yang; 2. Treating diseases; 3. Enhance resistance, strengthen the body, and prevent diseases. Children's massage has the following effects: firstly, it improves the various functions of the body in children. The therapeutic effect of acupoints on the meridians has been confirmed in modern clinical medicine that acupoints are important points on the meridians. By stimulating acupoints, it plays a regulatory role in the balance of yin and yang in the meridians and qi and blood. 2、 If a child is sick, massage can be performed on a certain part or acupoint of the child's body to activate the corresponding physiological changes in the internal organs through the connection of meridians, thereby achieving the therapeutic effect of the disease. 3、 Preventing childhood massage before getting sick can improve children's resistance to diseases, strengthen their physical fitness, and prevent diseases. Pediatric massage is based on the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine, guided by the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements, as well as the theory of visceral meridians. It uses various techniques to stimulate acupoints, making the meridians unobstructed, and promoting the circulation of qi and blood, achieving the function of regulating the functions of the visceral organs. In terms of operating methods, pediatric massage emphasizes lightness, softness, stability, and practicality, emphasizing the techniques and operating procedures of tonifying and reducing. It has good therapeutic effects on common and frequently occurring diseases, especially for digestive tract diseases.

